Welcome to The Management University of Africa
The Management University of Africa
IJMLS - 2311 7575
International Journal of Management and Leadership
Information for Researchers
Paper format
Call for papers
International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS)
Editorial Board
  1. Prof. Washington Okeyo-Chief Editor
  2. Dr. John Cheluget - Corresponding Editor
  3. Prof. Peter K’Obonyo - Member (School of Business, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
  4. Prof. Richard Miller - Member (Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan)
  5. Prof. Zane Ritchie - Member (Josai University, Japan)
  6. Prof. Michael Parrish- Member (Kwansei Gakuin University - Japan)
  7. Prof. Kalyan Sahoo - Member (Ghana)
  8. Dr. Michael Greisamer- Member (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
  9. Prof. Peter Paul Kithae- Member (The Management University of Africa, Kenya)
  10. Prof. Emmanuel Awuor - Member (The Management University of Africa, Kenya)
  11. Dr. Paul Machoka - Member (The Management University of Africa, Kenya)
  12. Dr. Padma Charan Mishra- Member (The Bisra Stone Lime Company Limited, India)
  13. Prof. Subhankar Das - Member (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
  14. Mr. Francis Macharia -Member (The Management University of Africa, Kenya)
  15. Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula - Member (The Management University of Africa, Kenya)
  16. Dr. Samuel Thiongo -Member (The Management University of Africa, Kenya)
Editorial Advisory Committee
  1. Prof. Peter K’Obonyo - School of Business, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  2. Prof. Richard Miller - Full professor - Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan
  3. Prof. Zane Ritchie - Associate professor - Josai University, Japan
Corresponding Editor
  1. Dr. John Cheluget - Email: jcheluget@mua.ac.ke

The Management University of Africa
P. O. Box 29677 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
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